Wednesday, August 18, 2021



August 15, 2021, The day Wokeness, Transgender Ideology, Gender Studies and Critical Race Theory came crashing down in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Images of desperate people overrunning the airport and US diplomats burning files and abandoning their enclave/compound in such disorderly and ignominious way exposed a self-deceitful fallacy.

The current administration bungled everything by not preparing in advance, by not having burned their files in a timely manner, by not preparing the evacuation of all the collaborators months in advance.

Like the proverbial snake, Uroboros, eating its tale the policymakers cannot understand why this is happening in the world of reality. They could not prepare for this outcome because to do so would’ve sent the wrong signal that things were not as they wanted to believe.

There is only two possible explanations, either the administration had not confidence in their Afghans partners and was not willing to admit it, or worst of all they are blissfully ignorant of the reality around them.

Blinded by their on ideological and religious zeal as they go about establishing their own righteousness and Wokeness.

 Ignoring reality can be postponed but never ignored indefinitely. So 20 years after the famous quote ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality." Reality’s hand, like the Biblical writing on the wall in Daniel 5:25, is passing judgment and the elites and powers that be have been “weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. “ The same reality that says men cannot be women and women cannot be men is announcing the fall of the empire in the real world of those who forget God, and His created reality,




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