Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

 QUESTION:  Why are they deliberately destroying the world's economy and people's livelihood?


Why would they do this? Well the Great Reset elaborates on the reasons. To build a more equitable world, to eliminate poverty to save the planet and more. Who can object to that! Sort of bringing heaven down to Earth. Sort of a perfect world where everyone shares and loves its neighbor. A religious experience where man takes God's place. A religion without God. A subliminal propaganda implanted in the mind. In a sense they have substituted God with their idealism and utopian perfection. The good news that man can save itself. The stage is now set for flawed men to bring about the greatest of all evils; the evil which looks like good, the wrong that looks like right, the counterfeit that looks like the real thing. The ultimate delusion and final falsehood inspired by Darkness himself. SO IN CONCLUSION TO THE QUESTION QHY DO THEY DO THIS? Because they have reject the LIGHT and they have only a lie to believe. To hell with darkness it was defeated 2020 years ago by the MAN-GOD, Jesus Christ the Son of God!