Saturday, May 27, 2017

Why evil in this world?

Stephen Fry tirade against God has gone viral and has been seen by millions of people. His eloquent and witty accusation is a bombastic version of the same question that every single human has asked, is asking and will be asking for generations to come. The problem of human evil, natural evil, suffering and pain is perhaps one of the most daunting questions facing humanity. Great minds have wrestle with it and thanks to Stephen Fry's the subject remains in everyone's mind. Such a profound dilemma unfortunately is not solved even by the wittiness of an actor, comedian and activist such as Mr. Fry. Dismissing God or railing against Him still leaves the problem unresolved. Maybe more light can be shed on it by hearing what other scholars have said on the subject. This is not an academic exercise but the existential toll we all face as we journey through life.
FR BARRON:Robert Emmet Barron is an American prelate of the Catholic Church, author, theologian and evangelist,
JOHN LENNOX: Oxford Professor of Mathematics, John Lennox, speaking at The Veritas Forum at Harvard Med School, 2014. FRY:English comedian, actor, writer, presenter, and activist.