Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl Decadent Spectacle

  • El super bowl: sudo patriotismo desplegando ritos vacíos /
  •  mientras los drones asesinan en silencio estupefactos espectadores celebran al dios de la guerra 
  •  jugadores intoxicados en su narcisismo celebran en danzas sus pueriles acciones. / 
  • el show del half time se ha degenerado en un espectáculo que simboliza todo lo malo de la así llamada cultura  estadounidense / 
  • millones de lemmings se intoxican con cerveza, pizza y alitas de pollo /
  •  un espectáculo digno del circo romano, enmarcado entre comerciales que  como baratas imitaciones adornan y atraen a los fieles a consumir las delicias de la ramera de babilonia.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Empire Has No Clothes

The Emperor Has No Clothes!

Governments and Empires have and will always describe themselves as indispensable servers of humanity and benefactors of the needy. This politically correct double speak has become an art, a science in today's media. We have heard the terms/ International Community, Democracies, Civilized World, Fist Word, Western World or Nations. These are nice sounding terms to pervert the truth of reality. Maybe a more apt description would be
" and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth, it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it..." Ancient writings illustrating the reality under the thin veneer.

Following video further sheds light on the subject.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Toxic Mixture

The Middle East remains the focus of turmoil and conflict regardless of how many Western invasions and bombing are inflicted on that land. Why? Could it be that there is a toxic element in the mixture? The conflict has escalated to existential levels as presstitutes media pundits talk about the "The Clash Of Civilizations" A closer look brings out religion as the underlining fire stirring the pot. One thing is sure, we are not any closer to a resolution of the conflict. We could stay the course and insist on the righteousness of our views or maybe we could open our minds to an alternative view. The video Marching To Zion explores such an option.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dr. Randy Beckum lays bare with Jesus the sepulcher that is our current "Civilized world".